About Us
Weldon Lister - President/Founder
"Son, I'll show you everything I know; What you pick up is up to you."
A quote from Weldon’s father, Big Bill, when 17-year-old Weldon asked to learn the art of engraving -- Weldon not only took to heart, but applied to his life, work, and family.

American Scroll™ was founded by world renowned, third-generation Master Engraver, Weldon Lister. Weldon began engraving at the age of seventeen apprenticing under his father Big Bill Lister, who was an accomplished Engraver.
Weldon works and lives in the Texas Hill Country, spending time with his wife Toni, their kids, and their grandchildren. Apart from his engraving, Weldon is an accomplished musician. Toni and Weldon perform regularly with their church's worship team, and he also performs with his son Billy around the Texas Hill Country. Toni, who has a beautiful voice, is also a gourmet cook! She keeps him grounded in life and family and with her cooking... keeps him from being a "Starving" artist.
Billy Lister - COO/Founder

Billy Lister is the son of Weldon and is a singer/songwriter based out of the Texas Hill Country. Billy followed in his Grandad's footsteps and has focused his attention on music. Big Bill was a country star in the 1950's performing on the Grand Ol' Opry, and toured with Hank Williams Sr. Along with being an engraver Big Bill was every bit an entertainer and performer. Billy has taken up the mantle of music in the family and has been performing in the Hill Country the last 8 years.
A quote from Big Bill, when Billy told him he wanted to sing. Big Bill knew what got people's attention and passed that onto Billy. "Talent can excite or impress people, but passion is what will move them" Is what he instilled in young Billy. Ever since then, that's exactly what he has done. Billy learned all that he could from his Grandad while he was around. Whittling, leatherwork, music, and how to tell stories. At the age of twelve Billy started performing alongside Big Bill and Weldon, playing bass guitar, as part of a three generational trio. The three carried on that tradition through the years, until Big Bill's passing in 2009. Since then, Weldon & Billy have continued to carry on as a duo.
Billy is a self-taught graphic designer and editor and has partner with his father to bring American Scroll to life.
Billy spends time with his wife Carley, and their kids in Bergheim, Texas.